One major advantage that Galen Marek had was that his Force abilities allowed him to see the Terror Troopers, even when they were cloaked. While the Terror Troopers were not able to defeat the Galen Marek, they were able to hold their own against the powerful Force user long enough to distract him while Boba Fett escaped with Captain Eclipse. Working alongside the bounty hunter Boba Fett, the Terror Troopers captured Captain Juno Eclipse and killed her entire crew aboard the Salvation. Cybernetically enhanced, they had heightened physical abilities (including speed, dexterity, and strength) and stealthing capabilities.

The Terror Troopers, who appear in The Force Unleashed II video game (set a few years before the Battle of Yavin), are an advanced team of stormtroopers tasked with hunting down the clone of Galen Marek (also known as Starkiller). Here are 15 Times Stormtroopers Were Frighteningly Effective: 15 Taking Galen into custody on Lah'mu (Rogue One) Clone troopers are technically not storm troopers, and so they are not included, but both stormtroopers from the Galactic Empire and the First Order are included. The following examples are given in chronological order and include both Star Wars Legends (the Star Wars stories that predate the Disney Star Wars stories) and the new Star Wars canon. However, there are examples when stormtroopers are successful in their missions and deadly in their execution. Some fans have even posited that the stormtroopers in A New Hope are missing the heroes on purpose on the Death Star (since the Empire tracks the heroes after they escape), because they miss at such a short range. It seems that stormtroopers wouldn't be able to hit Luke Skywalker or Han Solo if they were standing directly in front of them (and sometimes, they are!). Stormtroopers have long had a bad reputation in Star Wars- the troops of the Galactic Empire are known for their inefficiency, failure, and terrible shooting.